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Thursday, 6 October 2016

Terrifying Details Emerge About Kim Kardashian's Assailants Stalking Her Days Before the Attack


Kim Kardashian was held at gun point and robbed of $10 million in jewelry during what appears to have been highly  coordinated attack on Sunday night. Two men reportedly tailed the reality star in Paris days before the incident, posing as police and paparazzi. They went unnoticed by Kim's security team, which is alarming, yes-but also unsurprising considering that she is surrounded by hoards of strangers everywhere she goes.

French police reportedly think the heist was an inside job, and sources tell The Daily Mail  that the two men tailing Kim were hoping to get surveillance information to carry out the robbery.
 "Kim Kardashian was tailed for at least three days before the robbery," a source says. "We know there was one man who pretended to be a photographer, who followed the American celebrity on a motorbike to find out her whereabouts. Another man pretended to be a plain-clothed detective to try to get a seat next to her at the exclusive Ferdi restaurant on Thursday night. But both men were fakes. The photographer tried to listen in to the conversations by other snappers, but he was challenged by the genuine ones. And the so-called policeman fled when staff at Ferdi asked to see his credentials."

The men are said to be part of a "sophisticated international criminal organization" out of Eastern Europe. Kim is currently safe in New York City with her husband Kanye West, and is noticeably missing the massive $4.5 million diamond ring he gave her just last month.
      Photo credit: Getty

        Photo credit: Getty


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