"If your Good in Bed we Would Get Married" Pastor tells Member

It was during one of my holidays,so i came to spend it with my family in abuja . on one of the sundays , popsy decided i join him to his new found church ( woow) i was surprised , because popsy was not really a church person, as he thought some pastors are out there to decieve the ordinary members. i was happy for him so i got ready and left .
The church is located at Nyanya (i dont know if there are still in the same venue) was almost filled up that morning, but we were able to secure a space towards the alter, so we could have a better view. i was really not interested in all the praises that was rendered to the pastor as he mounted the alter , all i wanted was to hear the sermon . but it was more of a miracle service , all the same i enjoyed it.
when it was time to welcome the new members i stood up. its the pattern for all new members to shake hands with the pastor after service , which i stayed back for it. when it was my turn , the pastor first asked me "are you a virgin" ( wooow, i was shocked ) any way i did not lie, i told him no , because i felt why should i lie to a 'man of God' , after everything , we were told to come back during the compulsory evening service , which i attended as well .
The next day ,i was home when the pastor called me ( i was not surprised , popsy gave him my number ), he wanted me to come and pick up my dad's picture . so i quicky left for his office with an open mind.
we talked about school and other things . the next question i heard was " Are you good on bed " . honestly i was shocked , but did not show it . he went on to say that if am good on bed , we will get married . because he does not want any kind of person . i then asked him , what if i am not good in bed , he said its not possible because i look like someone who is very good in bed.
Even when i quoted the passage about sex to him, he said he knows all of it. he said a whole lot of thrash , i cant even say all. but i took my dad's picture and left .
i really did not tell anyone about it when i got home , i knew there will be very disappointed with the pastor .
He kept calling me to come to his church,when i tried calling him pastor, he said i should call him by his name (Emmaneul) which i practically avoided. sometime in december something happened that got me really angry .
I was home when he called for me to try and make it to december special service in church , at first i wanted attending, but i changed my mind . he later called me to ask me why i was not in church that he was looking out to see me , i told him that i have changed my mind , that i have things to do.
immediately i said , i should never call his number again.he went on to say that if i dont delete his number from my phone , i was going to die (whatttt) i got upset , i then quoted his bible back to him
"who is he that says a thing that cometh to pass , when the lord has not commanded" . i then told him that am sending the death back to him and his church and i hung up the call.
after this event took place i refused to delete his number , i knew his words can have no effect.
Finally , i went on facebook to search for him , i wanted exposing all his rubbish , but i rememberd that i did not record the conversations,a friend also adviced me to forget about it.
i later heard he was getting married ( i laughed , but wished him well) ..
When he got married, he was still disturbing me , at a point i decided to play along , when he saw that i was refusing to see him he then stopped .
Source : As shared by a member .
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